The National Alumni Department is an affiliate of the National School of Ushering that was founded by George T. Grier (then, the National Chairman, Editor and Publisher of the National Bulletin, and Author and Publisher of the School of Ushering Manual) at the National Convention held in Cleveland, Ohio, the last week in July 1958. Our purpose is to: keep all graduates together after finishing the School of Ushering as a viable and working group; enhance, perpetuate, and give all assistance possible to our Alma Mater, the National School of Ushering, by supportive action; usher every day at the National Convention; lift the offering on Tuesday at the National Convention during the School session. Please note: This offering is available for emergencies experienced by those who attend the Convention; provide trained judges, runners, and tally persons for the School of Ushering Floor Demonstration and Drill Team Competition Contests each year at the seat of the National Convention; hold an "Usher of the Year" and "Booklet of Seven" Contest each year at the seat of the National Convention. We were first called the National Alumni Congregation as an affiliate of the National School of Ushering. In 1962, the name was changed at the seat of the National Convention in Dallas, Texas, and it became the National Alumni Department. In 1978, the "Usher of the Year" Contest was organized and the "Booklet of Seven" Contest was rejuvenated. Both of these Alumni Department Contests have been held at the seat of the National Convention every year since that timeframe. With each new Chairman, changes and developments have become part of our history. As a result, we are determined that the responsibilities and functions of the Alumni Department will continue to improve in the future!
The overall goal of the A. W. Briggs Health Department is to ensure that basic emergency first aid and other professional health services are provided at each convention and taught to every State Affiliate.
The Allan A. C. Griffith, Sr. Education Department was established to encourage and inspire young people to obtain a fuller and richer life toward some special achievement or career and reach the highest possible goal. Scholarships are awarded to youth Ushers from the tenth grade through the freshman year of college. These scholarships are awarded through competition in five fields - Oration, Vocal, Essay, Instrumental and Spelling Bee. The First Prize Scholarship is $5,000; Second Prize is $4,000; Third Prize is $2,500; and Fourth Prize is $1,500. The remaining contestants who do not place in the competition receive a $500 Savings Bond. The funds to support this endeavor are raised from each Usher giving $.52 per year (a penny a week).
The Memorial Committee conducts a Memorial Service in honor and recognition of our deceased ushers.
The National Music Chairperson coordinates the songs and rehearsals of the National Mass Choir. The Henry Ballard Mass Choir presents a concert on Monday evening of the National Convention and renders musical selections during various programs at the seat of the convention.
The Outreach Committee coordinates, collaborative activities designed to determine the extent of needy families within the Usher community. The mission of this Department is to promote the growth of the membership and develop programs to aid the membership and to provide service to the community. The Outreach Ministry promotes evangelistic ventures to meet the needs of the less fortunate wherever the organization deems appropriate whether it is here in the United States or abroad. We have made significant donations for the relief of Katrina and Haiti; various nursing homes, Children’s Cancer Hospitals, Battered Women facilities, and Foster care facilities, etc.
The purpose of this council is to promote the objectives of the Association and the continued interests of those who have served as National Officers which includes all Senior, Young Adult, and Junior and Young People's Department members that have performed in this capacity. This council was reorganized by Past National President Willie J. Minnifield in 1996 to plan and manage the annual Sunday Prayer Breakfast at the seat of the NUCUAA Convention. The duties of this council have since been expanded to also include other projects assigned by the current National President. In 2017, the Sunday Prayer Breakfast was renamed to honor Past National President Sylester T. Williams.
The Alma C. Hawkins Public Relations Department works jointly with the Donna A. Hines Information Technology & Marketing Strategies Team to ensure that the programs and activities of the National Organization and its Annual Convention receive media attention. During the week of the Convention’s activities, the Alma C. Hawkins Public Relations Department remains available to welcome Delegates and guests. Members of the Alma C. Hawkins Public Relations Department can be identified by their Navy Blue Blazers over the Ushers’ uniform.
We believe that God's presence is real and powerful, and that He desires to encounter us in a personal way. We offer opportunities to experience God's presence through prayer, worship, and other spiritual practices. Click below to learn more.
The primary mission of the Willie J. Minnifield Training & Development Department is to provide educational training and development opportunities to the members of NUCUAA from a Christian perspective in order to promote and enhance their spiritual growth and development. During the national conventions, courses are made available through registration to our members and the surrounding communities. As we enter into a new administration, we the dedicated members of the National United Church Ushers Association of America, Inc. (NUCUAA), must remain Fully Committed to the cause of Ushering that has allowed us to get where we are today. We must continue to be Fully Committed to hard work, dedicated service and doing the works of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The responsibility of this department is to provide integrated technologies that enable marketing capabilities, such as efficiently and effectively targeting, acquiring and retaining information; specifically by utilizing new technology when designing and developing the website (s) that our members and the community at-large access for information.
The purpose of the William H. Davis Honor Club is to: Perpetuate the name of William H. Davis who served as National President from 1920 to 1940 and served the National organization for over 25 years; Give honor to all ushers (officers or laymen) who have attended and served the National for 15 years or more; Encourage growth in the National by giving honor to those who are increasing units in their states, and those who are bringing in new states; Recognize ushers’ contributions to their church and community. There are two medals of honor—the Medal of Honor awarded based on a point system and the Honorary Medal Candidate. These medals will be presented to the most outstanding Usher for having made the greatest contribution to the growth of the National during a period of years or during the year.
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